About UsWe love Hawaii. We love Honolulu. Our first trip to the islands was a week-long stay in Honolulu, on Waikiki Beach. It was also our first vacation and we loved every minute! What we don't love are over-priced rates for rental vehicles. This is primarily why we have chosen to work for affordable rental car rates for those tourists who want to experience what we did on that first trip to Honolulu--- big fun on a tiny budget. We're not a large "big box" vacation-packing enterprise. In fact, those huge websites that offer trains, planes, automobiles with meals and lodging attached, don't like us very well. We've been fortunate to negotiate our low, low rates with great representatives of the major car rental companies. They reward us well for our attention to well-designed websites. We are thrilled to pass on their acknowledgement to you in the form of the very lowest car rental rates found on the Internet. If your plans include renting a vehicle for 5 days (or more) in Hawaii, we want you to know that even deeper discounted rates apply for long-term rentals.
Most of all, we hope you have a perfect visit to Honolulu.